B.A.G.S. Laser Cut Modules, variable dimensions, Stainless Steel, 2021
B.A.G.S. interlinks issues of space debris or space junk with ideas of contemporary urban planning, its etymological counterpart Junk Space. Architect and theorist Rem Koolhaas describes Junk Space as huge and full of absence, as cities of production and consumption growing to reach the climax of modernism, leaving the inhabitants no chance of escape.
The pattern of the fragile steel modules is reminescent to oversized shopping baskets from the 1960s, but distorted in their lenght. At the same time, they refer to the building aesthetics of industrialization around 1900, the structures of colliery towers and electricity pylons, and finally the windows of the Neo-Renaissance, possibly the prototypes of Junk Space.
B.A.G.S. is part of the body of work Not so Kool’haas.
This project is funded by Kulturprojekte Berlin, Sonderförderungsprogramm 2020